(626) 280-2300
Privacy Policy
JRC Wrought Iron, through tools provided by Google, collects info on login location, user profiles, clicks, duration of visit, gender, age, and whatever else Google Analytics provides as a part of it's free service.
We use this information to better assess the strength of our online marketing, as well as to design ads, and target certain populations of internet users with these ads. Our data collection purposes are therefore solely for the purpose of marketing our own products and services directly to consumers and business. We do not ever sell our site visitor's information. Nevertheless, for respect of your right to privacy, as well as applicable laws and regulations, we have opted into WIX's cookies agreement welcome banner (at the bottom of the webpage when first opening), offering a Decline All option for cookies, and adding a redundant Do Not Sell My Personal Information button, in order to give you simple options to disable cookies and their corresponding data collection whenever you visit our site. We have also enabled WIX's Anonymize IP Addresses feature so that Google cannot collect this data. Note: The Do Not Sell My Personal Information button is located on our Home Page to the right of our "Welcome".
Should you forgo these provided privacy options, and despite our promise not to sell your data, we cannot control what Google does with the browsing data collected from you while and after visiting our site.
We trust in WIX and our domain provider Ionos, however, any data collection (of which we are unaware aware of any) by their website hosting and domain platform, respectively, is outside of our control.